ToNEKi Media engagiert sich für Nachhaltigkeit

ToNEKi Media is committed to sustainability

ToNEKi Media is a company that is strongly committed to sustainability in the catering and retail sectors. We recognize the important role we play as a company in relation to the environment and society and are aware that our actions have an impact on the future.

We strive to implement sustainable practices in all areas of our business. This means that when selecting our products we pay attention to the origin and environmental impact and prefer to use local and organic products

We also pay attention to sustainability when designing our stores and choosing furnishings.

We are also committed to reducing energy consumption in our stores and rely on renewable energy.

We also promote the use of environmentally friendly packaging and reduce waste by relying on reusable packaging.

We also offer our customers and employees environmentally conscious alternatives such as public transport or carpooling.

We believe that sustainability is not only good for the environment, but also for our business success.

By committing to sustainability, we can contribute to creating a better future.

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